Finding and hiring the right talent for portfolio companies

Selecting the right portfolio executives - C-Level and C-1 - for investment backed businesses is crucial. With industry expertise and strategic vision, they foster innovation, build efficient teams, streamline operations, and fuel long-term growth and higher returns. These executives are vital drivers of success in the fast-paced world of investment.

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At Multiple, we bring you the best from everywhere

General Management
General management leaders ensure coherence, drive optimal decision-making, and implement strategic plans for business growth across various executive roles.
Ensuring Coherence: General management leaders align all functions towards shared objectives, promoting business coherence.
Decision-making: They provide a balanced perspective to drive optimal outcomes and facilitate effective decision-making.
Strategic Planning: They develop and implement strategic plans to drive business growth and adapt to changing market conditions.
Example Job Titles: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Legal Officer.
Growth Strategy
Executives specializing in growth strategy identify market opportunities, drive revenue enhancement, and orchestrate customer acquisition strategies for business expansion.
Identifying Market Opportunities: Executives with growth strategy expertise identify and exploit market opportunities for scalability.
Revenue Enhancement: They drive revenue growth by uncovering new avenues and maximising existing channels for income generation.
Customer Acquisition: These executives orchestrate customer acquisition strategies to expand the user base and increase market share.
Example Job Titles: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, SVP of Business Development, Head of Growth Strategy.
Product Innovation
Executives specializing in product innovation spearhead the development of novel offerings, drive customer-centric approaches, and foster a culture of creativity.
Spearheading Innovation: Executives focused on product innovation lead the development of novel and improved offerings.
Customer-Centric Approach: They drive customer-centric innovation, ensuring products align with evolving user needs.
Culture of Creativity: These executives champion a culture of creativity and experimentation essential for continuous innovation.
Example Job Titles: Chief Product Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, SVP of Product Development, Head of Product Innovation, Director of Research and Development.
Technology Leadership
Technology leaders guide digital adoption, align IT strategies with business goals, and implement cybersecurity measures.
Guiding Digital Adoption: Technology leaders assist businesses in staying ahead by guiding digital adoption in the tech sector.
IT Strategy Alignment: They align technology initiatives with business goals and drive the development of IT strategies, enabling efficient tech budgeting, maximising ROI on technology investments.
Cybersecurity Measures: These executives ensure cybersecurity, safeguarding businesses against potential digital threats.
Possible Job Titles: Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, SVP of Technology.
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation leaders catalyze digitization efforts, drive process automation and foster a digital culture within organisations.
Catalysing Digitization: Digital transformation leaders drive the business's shift towards digitization, adapting to a tech-dependent world.
Process Automation: They steer process automation initiatives to increase operational efficiency and reduce manual errors.
Fostering Digital Culture: Their leadership aids in fostering a digital culture, encouraging employee adaptation to new tech tools and processes.
Example Job Titles: Chief Digital Officer, Chief Transformation Officer, SVP Digital Strategy.
General Management
General management leaders ensure coherence, drive optimal decision-making, and implement strategic plans for business growth across various executive roles.
Ensuring Coherence: General management leaders align all functions towards shared objectives, promoting business coherence.
Decision-making: They provide a balanced perspective to drive optimal outcomes and facilitate effective decision-making.
Strategic Planning: They develop and implement strategic plans to drive business growth and adapt to changing market conditions.
Example Job Titles: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Legal Officer.
Growth Strategy
Executives specializing in growth strategy identify market opportunities, drive revenue enhancement, and orchestrate customer acquisition strategies for business expansion.
Identifying Market Opportunities: Executives with growth strategy expertise identify and exploit market opportunities for scalability.
Revenue Enhancement: They drive revenue growth by uncovering new avenues and maximising existing channels for income generation.
Customer Acquisition: These executives orchestrate customer acquisition strategies to expand the user base and increase market share.
Example Job Titles: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, SVP of Business Development, Head of Growth Strategy.
Product Innovation
Executives specializing in product innovation spearhead the development of novel offerings, drive customer-centric approaches, and foster a culture of creativity.
Spearheading Innovation: Executives focused on product innovation lead the development of novel and improved offerings.
Customer-Centric Approach: They drive customer-centric innovation, ensuring products align with evolving user needs.
Culture of Creativity: These executives champion a culture of creativity and experimentation essential for continuous innovation.
Example Job Titles: Chief Product Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, SVP of Product Development, Head of Product Innovation, Director of Research and Development.
Technology Leadership
Technology leaders guide digital adoption, align IT strategies with business goals, and implement cybersecurity measures.
Guiding Digital Adoption: Technology leaders assist businesses in staying ahead by guiding digital adoption in the tech sector.
IT Strategy Alignment: They align technology initiatives with business goals and drive the development of IT strategies, enabling efficient tech budgeting, maximising ROI on technology investments.
Cybersecurity Measures: These executives ensure cybersecurity, safeguarding businesses against potential digital threats.
Possible Job Titles: Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, SVP of Technology.
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation leaders catalyze digitization efforts, drive process automation and foster a digital culture within organisations.
Catalysing Digitization: Digital transformation leaders drive the business's shift towards digitization, adapting to a tech-dependent world.
Process Automation: They steer process automation initiatives to increase operational efficiency and reduce manual errors.
Fostering Digital Culture: Their leadership aids in fostering a digital culture, encouraging employee adaptation to new tech tools and processes.
Example Job Titles: Chief Digital Officer, Chief Transformation Officer, SVP Digital Strategy.
How we work

Why Choose Multiple

We don’t do things the old-fashioned way.

Gone are the days of gatekeepers and little black books. With state-of-the-art tools and proprietary techniques, we perform comprehensive market mapping to find the perfect fit for your team. We know that one standout leader can make all the difference, that's why we take a tailored approach to every search, going the extra mile to find the most qualified leaders for your portfolio businesses.
Our Proprietary Methodology
We harness the power of our research methodology to define, expand, explore, and engage talent ecosystems on behalf of our clients. This involves performing thorough organic research and analysis on each mandate; guaranteeing innovative, customized solutions for every client.
Specialist Partners
We've nurtured a strong network of partners across research, business, intelligence, outreach, and executive assessment. By incorporating these specialists into our process, we enhance our capabilities. This results in faster and more efficient outcomes for our clients.
Real-Time Insights
Our advanced Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ensures you stay informed at every stage; providing access to CV downloads, profile comments, and real-time progress updates as candidates move through the stages. With your own login, you'll have comprehensive oversight on everything we see and do.


Here's some things we were asked earlier.
Does Multiple work with public companies?
No. We only work with investment-backed portfolio businesses and their investors.
Does Multiple work with public companies?

No. We only work with investment-backed portfolio businesses and their investors.

What kind of executives do you place at portfolio businesses?
Executive working at C-Level or C-1, with exceptional functional expertise in the following areas: General Management, Growth Strategy, Product Innovation, Technology Leadership, and Digital Transformation.
What kind of executives do you place at portfolio businesses?

Executive working at C-Level or C-1, with exceptional functional expertise in the following areas: General Management, Growth Strategy, Product Innovation, Technology Leadership, and Digital Transformation.

What are the challenges of finding portfolio executives?
Limited pool of qualified candidates, intense competition, aligning specialized skills, and cultural fit within PE-backed businesses.
What are the challenges of finding portfolio executives?

Limited pool of qualified candidates, intense competition, aligning specialized skills, and cultural fit within PE-backed businesses.

Which sectors do we work in?
Consumer Technology and Enterprise Technology. 
Which sectors do we work in?

Consumer Technology and Enterprise Technology. 

What are the benefits of retaining a search firm?
The benefits include access to a broader network of executive talent, industry expertise, confidentiality, and an efficient process for identifying and assessing candidates.
What are the benefits of retaining a search firm?

The benefits include access to a broader network of executive talent, industry expertise, confidentiality, and an efficient process for identifying and assessing candidates.

What sets us apart?
Our proprietary systems, transparent approach, deep understanding of industry dynamics, specialised knowledge of executive requirements, and successful track record in private equity placements.
What sets us apart?

Our proprietary systems, transparent approach, deep understanding of industry dynamics, specialised knowledge of executive requirements, and successful track record in private equity placements.

How long does a search take?
Typically, it takes us 8 weeks to produce a shortlist of candidates.
How long does a search take?

Typically, it takes us 8 weeks to produce a shortlist of candidates.

How much does it cost?
We charge 30% of total remuneration.
How much does it cost?

We charge 30% of total remuneration.

Experience the difference that Multiple makes.

Connect with us today to discover how Multiple can revolutionize your business with its cutting-edge solutions.
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Maintain a high bar for talent while moving at rapid speed

I engaged Multiple for five high-level searches with exceptionally rare skillsets. They excelled in sourcing top-tier executives with a high bar for talent. Their ability to uphold quality, iterate, and adapt while quickly filling positions was crucial to our startup's growth. I couldn't recommend them more.
Aimee Gerzofsky
Stash, ex Mojo, & Facebook.